Wednesday 17 July 2013

Just-Some-Random Updates

Hi guys, am back for a random update. The thing i do most this 2weeks is to master the pro level of "NUA ART" at home like almost everyday, super no life one. The torturous moment of chicken pox another is the intense itch. WTF, you can imagine like having thousands of ants crawling all over your body. Its that bad no joke. Actually i recover quite fast and my cp is not alot, maybe cause i took the jab when i was small.So after a week plus i physco yj until he cannot take it to bring me out its not that I haven't recover. i am already recovered just that i am left with awful scars on my hand like a few spots which is quite serious to me.I don't know. I am just not ready to see anyone other than him yet la. OK, LAME. Actually by right they say i must stayed at home and not go out for 3weeks. But i just can't take it, doing nothing at home is seriously SUPER BORING ONE. I am that kind of person who cannot stay at home for more than 3days one. I stayed at home for nearly 2weeks this time round, too much already i think.

Ok, so here ending my super random post with a super random video of my niece when my mum ask her to count from 1-10. Until 7 she lazy already then she turn her head away. LOL.

yes, i think my alien pants(yj said this is a pair of ugly alien pants-.-)deserve this OOTD. 
Taken by my personal photographer yj. with me taking ootd so practice will make his photoskills perfect. LOL. 

Saturday 6 July 2013

Out of Boredom

Yes, i started a blog like after 2years? I've always wanted to open one, but the thought of doing all the layouts and customizing it and i shove the thoughts away. HAHA. WTF. 

So i am down with CP and i decided to start one, this took me around 1week or so for me to edit the layout everything. Ok la, i also got nua and got so lazy and started procrastinating after awhile. 

 Yes i am totally like this. Procrastination Master. 
But on this one fine Saturday suddenly got so enthu about editing it so i edited everything and i actually did it within a few hours. (ikr, i should have did it like a week earlier.. pfftt...)
Will be updating this tiny space more. 

Ending off with this photo of me having the oh so yummy smoothie. Yes, with the collagen enhancer. idk how much it helps but hahaha the word collagen is like so holy and is sooo. Yes, collagen is very impt to every girl.